Screenshot from Wild and Horned Hermit

mirror:world 「鏡:世界」



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Status update - December 2021 (The Aftermath)
Izuru Yakumo

Been a while I haven't done this. Anyway! I had a graduation party yesterday on school, meaning that I've officially finished high school after eight long years. Now I don't even know what to do yet. The party was pretty good, lots of photos and stuff, somehow nobody even brought food there so I ended up hungry, lol. But it's alright. I wonder where I'll celebrate New Year (which is the only holiday I celebrate, like at all) It's been almost a month ever since I've put FreeBSD on my main machine, with plans to migrating completely on 2022, knowing what's going on with Linux as a whole. I'm still pretty sleepy though anyway right now, and I have nothing else to write for now. Bye!

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