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Rant #2 - Mismanagement of the current pandemic
Izuru Yakumo

I'm ashamed of my country in many ways, and with this it worsened even more (like in the rest of the world).

During a full-year lockdown with restrictions, the politicians themselves got away with it When people couldn't celebrate their birthdays, they did. When people couldn't bid farewell to their deceased relatives, they did. When people couldn't hold meetings indoors, they did.

The current president (and the associated political party) are all corrupts, cynical, hypocrites, professional liars, stupid, and god damn motherfuckers. People should get rid of them in the votings. By choosing someone else more competent and who can deal with all this crap. Once and for all. We can't take this anymore. I don't think we should tolerate this situation anymore.

country: Argentina (GMT-3)

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