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OCaml static linking
Izuru Yakumo
Computing > Programming > OCaml

Since quite a while ago (a month or so I guess) I had read this blog post by OCamlPro1 about generating static PIE with OCaml. The first project on where I have tried doing so was Logarion2 , and afterwards bumpmap-tool[2], each using a different build system. In the 1st case I had to add the field '(flags (:standard -cclib -static))' to the 'cli/dune' file and rebuilt with 'dune build' As for the 2nd case I added '-cclib -static' to the 'ocamlopt' flags in the command line and rebuilt.

I ran the ldd command in both (test done on a musl-based distro) only to have this output: - /lib/ (insert executable name here): Not a valid dynamic program

Which means that it does actually work, but I'm not sure whether it could work for bigger projects. I think that's all I've got to say here.

1: <> 2: <> 3: <>

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